1. How to Implement a PHP Queue Jobs System that Will Execute a Tasks by a Specific Order using Job Pipes
Sometimes PHP scripts need to execute several tasks that are defined dynamically only when a given script is run.
For instance, this can be the case of a newsletter mailing list processing task that can be split in smaller tasks like 1) pull the list of recipients from a database, 2) merge the recipient information in the newsletter message contents, 3) send the newsletter messages to each recipient.
This package allows implementing a queue of tasks to be run by the same script.
Applications just need to define objects of classes that will run the different tasks and pass them to this package, so the task objects are queued.
Later, this package can run all the tasks one after the other by calling the objects that were queued.
This way this package can simplify the division of complex tasks in smaller tasks that execute simpler steps.
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For instance, this can be the case of a newsletter mailing list processing task that can be split in smaller tasks like 1) pull the list of recipients from a database, 2) merge the recipient information in the newsletter message contents, 3) send the newsletter messages to each recipient.
This package allows implementing a queue of tasks to be run by the same script.
Applications just need to define objects of classes that will run the different tasks and pass them to this package, so the task objects are queued.
Later, this package can run all the tasks one after the other by calling the objects that were queued.
This way this package can simplify the division of complex tasks in smaller tasks that execute simpler steps.