1. How to Make a PHP SQL Server Connection on Linux using the Same Code to Access the Database Server from Windows
The Microsoft SQL Server is a popular database server often used by many companies that prefer to use Microsoft based products.
The sqlsrv PHP extension is the usual means to access a Microsoft SQL Server database under Windows. However this extension does not exist for the Linux operating system.
This package provides a solution based dblib driver for the PDO extension to access Microsoft SQL Server databases from a Linux installation.
It also provides functions that emulate the sqlsrv extension functions on Linux, so the same PHP application code can run either in Windows and Linux.
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The sqlsrv PHP extension is the usual means to access a Microsoft SQL Server database under Windows. However this extension does not exist for the Linux operating system.
This package provides a solution based dblib driver for the PDO extension to access Microsoft SQL Server databases from a Linux installation.
It also provides functions that emulate the sqlsrv extension functions on Linux, so the same PHP application code can run either in Windows and Linux.